Modern World History EXPECTATIONS
MWH Welcome
Modern World History: Luke Smith
Dear Student and Parent/Guardian,
I’m writing to present the material and expectations for the course in Modern World History. I’m looking forward to teaching you, and I hope that the class will be challenging and rewarding for you.
My curriculum is centered on the state standards for World Cultures and for other relevant Social Science standards. Daily lessons will include instruction in World History ranging from the Greeks and Romans to the present, while developing geography skills, and encouraging an understanding of current events. This class is a core class, and as such the expectations are high for all students.
Instructional techniques will include research, writing, map skills, ‘hands on’ projects, group work, and lecture as we work towards becoming better informed of the world around us. Students will develop not only an understanding of history, but a better ability to teach themselves, think critically, analyze, organize their thoughts, and communicate. I will focus on technical skills: note taking, essay writing, debate, and public speaking. Also, I hope that all students will grow as individuals towards becoming good citizens, and successful people in whatever career path they follow.
Following is a list of class policies and expectations for all students. I would greatly appreciate if you and your parents/and or guardians could review the list and sign.
Please print, and sign this, and return it tomorrow. OR write a brief note stating that you have read this. Thanks. This is your first assignment.
I’m looking forward to the school year. If either you (the student) or your parents have any questions, please do not hesitate to call.
Thank you,
Luke Smith
Printed Parent Name_____________________________
Parent Signature _______________________________
Student Signature ______________________________
Parent Email:__________________________________
Classroom Policies and Expectations for Honors World History
This is the general list of class expectations. This should be basically the same as all other classes. If you have any questions about any of the specific points, please do not hesitate to call. I’m asking you to sign the list so that everyone involved knows the general expectations.
Attendance. Attendance is required. Students with unexcused absences will not be allowed to make up work.
Tardiness. A student is tardy if they are not in their seat, ready to work, when the bell rings. The official policy is 1 detention starting on the 3rd tardy.
Behavior: The classroom is a professional environment. Students are expected to be prompt, to participate, and to be polite and respectful towards each other and towards the teacher.
Electronic devices: In keeping with the new summit policies MOST electronic devices are banned. MP3 players, and phones, will be confiscated.
You will be expected to speak, write and think every single day.
Class Materials: Each student must have the following EVERY DAY.
A 3 ring binder dedicated to the class.
A set of colored pencils (8 is plenty).
Pencil, and Pen (Blue or Black)
a ‘fine tip’ or ‘roller ball pen’ for maps.
If students cannot afford the materials for whatever reason, the FAN office can provide the material. The student can talk to the FAN office directly, or talk to me.
Late Policy: Late work is not acceptable. The department policy is 1 letter grade off for each day late. After the 3rd day, the work will not be accepted.
Grading: I will provide examples of work for students so that expectations are clear. Work will generally be graded within 24 hours. Grades will be posted 2-3 times per week. I will provide an individual grade report for every student weekly, and for any student or parent/guardian that requests it as frequently as requested.
Homework: There is very little homework. You can use time at home to finish up incomplete reading, late work, and REVIEW and STUDY for the upcoming test.
There is very little homework, but there will be some. I understand that students have other classes, and lives outside of school. If students have legitimate needs for extensions, they should see me as soon as possible. If the students contact me in advance, I will make every reasonable accommodation.
Cheating and Plagiarism: The penalty for cheating or plagiarism is that the work will be marked as a zero. I will also contact the parent or guardian and request a conference.
Thank you,
Luke Smith